06 September 2016

"Genetic Genealogy in Practice" is HERE!

Added 30 September 2016: Latest updates and order information available at http://debbiewayne.com/ggip/index.php.

Finally!! The National Genealogical Society (NGS) announces Genetic Genealogy in Practice is available. A "Learn more" information link at http://www.ngsgenealogy.org/cs/home leads to the order page which is now working.

I am so excited!

I hope this book helps genealogists use DNA to solve genealogical problems as much as we believe it will. This is the book I wish I had when I started learning genetic genealogy.

Bettinger, Blaine T. and Debbie Parker Wayne. Genetic Genealogy in Practice. Arlington, Va.: National Genealogical Society, 2016.

Working with Blaine T. Bettinger was a fantastic experience. It was amazing how often we agreed on exactly how to handle each topic and unanticipated event during the writing, editing, and production process. Being in agreement with Blaine always boosts my confidence level in a conclusion. Each of us wrote some chapters then we passed the chapters back and forth making changes until we were both happy with the end-product. We had well-known genetic genealogists review the text and exercises then worked with a fabulous editor. The analysis techniques and methodology in the book should remain valid for a long time. Only a few items may change in the near future, such as when one of the testing companies changes their match algorithms or thresholds. The basic techniques will remain valid by incorporating any modified information.

We worked diligently to include all of the information needed to get started with genetic genealogy, expand your knowledge beyond the beginner level, and test your understanding using exercises based on real-life cases. The answers are in the back of the book along with an explanation of the reasoning leading to that answer. We integrate the genetic analysis with genealogical analysis. Some of the information is beginner level, some is more difficult to challenge intermediate and advanced practitioners. Some concepts have not been written about much until now.

You can learn more about the book and the process from our interview with Jane Wilcox of the "forget-me-not hour" podcast.

My initial post announcing the book: New Book Coming Soon: Genetic Genealogy in Practice. This post contains a list of topics covered in the book.

See Blaine's posts: Announcing “Genetic Genealogy in Practice” – A New Book Providing Genealogists with the Skills to Understand and Apply DNA.

See the initial NGS announcement at COMING SOON from NGS -- Genetic Genealogy in Practice #NGS2016GEN.

Edited 9 September 2016: order link is now working. Removed note that there was an issue with the link on 6 September.

Added 12 September 2016: For a list of chapter titles and topics see 'Genetic Genealogy in Practice' topics and sub-topics.

Edited 14 September 2016: changed publisher place to Va.

To cite this blog post:
Debbie Parker Wayne, "Genetic Genealogy in Practice is HERE!," Deb's Delvings, 2 September 2016 (http://debsdelvings.blogspot.com/ : accessed [date]).

© 2016, Debbie Parker Wayne, Certified Genealogist®, All Rights Reserved


  1. Congratulations Debbie and Blaine. I am thrilled for you both. I predict the genealogical community will learn so much thanks to your hard work.

    1. Thank you, Karen. The book was improved in the early editing with insightful comments from you and Patti Hobbs. We appreciate you both making time to review the first draft.
