August 7-8, two great days with some of the best genealogy speakers:
- Colleen Robledo Greene: Taking a Closer Look at Immigration Records for Your Mexican Ancestor
- Patti Lee Hobbs: Problem Solving with DNA: Case Studies
- J. Mark Lowe: Mapping, Atlases & Documenting Paths
- Sunny Morton: Collateral Kin: Indirect Routes to Direct Ancestors
- Diane L. Richard: 50 Overlooked Online Genealogy Resources in 50 Minutes
- Drew Smith: Organizing Your Genealogy
- Michael Strauss: Researching Your World War II Ancestors
- Ari Wilkins: Studying a Community Using Sanborn Maps and Other Resources
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To cite this blog post:
Debbie Parker Wayne, "TxSGS 2020 Summer Virtual Conference," Deb's Delvings, 28 July 2020 (http://debsdelvings.blogspot.com/ : accessed [date]).
© 2020, Debbie Parker Wayne, Certified Genealogist®, All Rights Reserved