04 March 2019

DNA Standards - Part 2

For "DNA Standards - Part 1" see https://debsdelvings.blogspot.com/2019/03/dna-standards-part-1.html. In the first part I paraphrased the standards for using DNA evidence for genealogy into bullet points.

This is the post for "DNA Standards - Part 2."


In "DNA Standards - Part 2" I further discuss the first two bullets. The main bullets indicate considerations when using DNA to help answer a research question; sub-items explain what is needed to accomplish the tasks defined in the main bullet:

  • test the right descendants with the right test(s) at the right company or companies to obtain the information needed to answer the research question (Standard 51)
    • requires identification of living person(s) likely to have the DNA needed to answer the research question
    • requires an understanding of the inheritance path for each type of DNA (Y-DNA, mtDNA, atDNA, X-DNA)
    • requires an understanding of the different tests offered by each company
  • select matches and/or target-test others with the right test (Standard 51)
    • requires understanding the tools offered by testing companies and third-parties and how to accurately use those tools
    • may require correspondence with people to ask them to take a test (which requires understanding the cultural norms that might affect responses)
Additional bullets will be discussed in other parts of this series:

BCG, Genealogy Standards, 2nd ed. (Nashville: Ancestry, 2019)


Only BCG provides official answers on what it expects to see in application portfolios. No one, not even members of the BCG Board of Trustees or associates helping at exhibit hall booths, speak officially for BCG. For specifics on what BCG expects to see in portfolios, please use BCG’s website, blog, newsletter, and other means of communication:

All statements made in this blog are the opinion of the post author. This blog is not sponsored by any entity other than Debbie Parker Wayne nor is it supported through free or reduced price access to items discussed unless so indicated in the blog post. Hot links to other sites are provided as a courtesy to the reader and are not an endorsement of the other entities except as clearly stated in the narrative.

To cite this blog post:
Debbie Parker Wayne, "DNA Standards - Part 2," Deb's Delvings, 4 March 2019 (http://debsdelvings.blogspot.com/ : accessed [date]).

© 2019, Debbie Parker Wayne, Certified Genealogist®, All Rights Reserved

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